
Digit4All: Digital skills and computer equipment for all

Digit4All addresses the digital skills gap and supports young adults in acquiring the digital skills they need to actively participate in social, political and economic aspects of everyday life.

Digit4All tackles the digital skills gap among adults, which can lead to social exclusion and limited socioeconomic opportunities. The project supports young adults in acquiring the digital skills they need to actively participate in social, political and economic aspects of everyday life. As part of the project, we also aim to support educators working with adults and facilitate their learning journeys, providing both adult learners and educators with up-to-date, efficient, and relevant tools and methods. The project is being implemented in France, Italy, Spain, Austria, Bulgaria, Germany and Cyprus by seven organizations.


Project results include:

1. country report, development of a skill map and an appropriate placement test, guide for trainers

2. workshop with 5 modules on digital skills and use of open source programs

3. pilot course with young adults

4. learning platform with materials


Digit4All: Digital skills and computer equipment for all

Funding programme:    Erasmus+ KA2
Projektnummer:    2022-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000085269
Thematic area:    Berufsbildung, Digitales Lernen
Project period 01.09.2022 – 31.08.2024


  • Osengo, Frankreichn
  • CSI – Centre for Social Innovation, Zypern
  • Institut Podgotovka Na Slujiteliv Mejdunarodni Organizacii Zdruzhenie, Bulgarien
  • Compass – Beratung und Begleitung und Training Gemeinnützige GmbH, Österreich
  • Euroform RFS, Italien