Dear partner,

This questionnaire will serve Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft as coordinator of mobility consortia for the Saxon Federal School Authorities to get all relevant information about your organisation as hosting partner in an Erasmus+ Mobility Project. The information will be used for partner selection by VET schools and for the preparation of learners and staff travelling to you.

Contact details

Description of the hosting partner

Please upload three meaningful pictures that represent your organisation, these will be shown in your profile: UPLOAD
Allowed formats: JPG, GIF, PNG and PDF.

Placement or training


Accommodation and catering

Please upload three meaningful pictures to show accommodation: UPLOAD
Allowed formats: JPG, GIF, PNG and PDF.

Cultural programme

Tutoring and monitoring

Evaluation & certification


How do you deal with VAT?

Please upload your calculations for learners (3 weeks, 5 to 10 participants) and staff (1 week, 5 to 10 participants) UPLOAD
Permitted format: PDF.