Training Access


The main objective of the Erasmus+ project TRAINNIG ACCESS is to facilitate access to basic education for low skilled adults, in particular the (long-term) unemployed, thus helping them to develop their basic skills. On the emerging online platform, materials will be available freely accessible and free of charge to the target group as well as to teachers.

We want to motivate and train the target group through specific tools adapted to their learning. The end product of the project will be an online platform for learning basic skills (reading, writing, arithmetic and digital skills). Various materials and tools will be provided to increase motivation to learn and improve basic competences. For basic mathematical education, an online game will be developed that trains the application of basic mathematical knowledge in everyday situations in a motivating way.

The online platform will contain specific offers both for the target group and for teachers, which will be freely accessible and free of charge.

At the beginning of the project, needs studies will be carried out in all four partner countries, which will use questionnaires and interviews to find out what concrete problems and challenges the target group, teachers, educational institutions and (politically) responsible persons face. On this basis, the teaching and learning materials for the online platform will be developed.

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Funding programme: Erasmus+ KA2
Projeсt number: 2018-1-ES01-KA204-050989
Thematic area: Competences, basis education, adult education
Project period: 2018-2021
Webseite zum Projekt:
Facebook: @trainingaccessproject


  • FTSI Fundación de Trabajadores de la Siderurgia Integral, Spain
  • BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH, Austria