
inclEUsion – Promoting social inclusion of immigrants with disabilities in Europe through improving competences of adult educators


As a result of the latest migration flows, thousands of immigrants and refugees have come to Europe. Although at European level there are statistics on the number of migrants arriving in Europe and on the number of people with disabilities, there is very little information on the experiences and status of immigrants and refugees with disabilities.

Many EU countries have recently adopted anti-discrimination laws; the scope of such legislation is usually limited to multiple discrimination concerning employment and occupation. Still, there is a lack of visibility and understanding of intersectional discrimination; thus, knowledge how this may cause discrimination in sectors such as education, access to goods and services, social protection, etc.

This project recognises and addresses a significant gap in knowledge and provision for immigrants with disabilities.

The direct target group of the project are adult educators and social workers involved in non-formal and informal learning activities with and for immigrants with disabilities.


The main objectives of the project are:

  • Strengthen the professional competences of educators of how to recognise and handle cases of double discrimination in an educational context.
  • Promote social inclusion of immigrants with disabilities and long-term health conditions through non-formal and informal learning.
  • Strengthen the capacity and ability of organisations providing learning opportunities to immigrants with disabilities by developing a strategic approach that empowers adult educators to reflect anti-discrimination dimension in adult education.

In order to achieve these goals, the following outputs will be developed:

  • an interactive database including essential information and directories for adult educators to use as reference and guidance
  • an online course for adult educators providing a set of tools and training modules that will cover the core topics of the project
  • a collection of case studies of good practices to combat double discrimination.



Promoting social inclusion of immigrants with disabilities in Europe through improving competences of adult educators

Funding programme: Erasmus+ KA2
Project number: 2019-1-ES01-KA204-064096
Thematic area: Integration
Project period: 2019-2021
Project website:


  • Federation of Physical and Organic Disabilities Associations MESTRAL-Cocemfe Tarragona, Spain
  • OpenEurope, Spain
  •, Greece
  • Center for Competence Development Cyprus- COMCY, Cyprus
  • Istituto dei Sordi di Torino, Italy