EuroVIP – European Volunteer Integration Program

EuroVIP – European Volunteer Integration Program

EuroVIP – European Volunteer Inclusion Program – deals with the acknowledgment of competences and abilities acquired through voluntary work.
The project bases on an adaption of the ProfilPASS, a tool for the identification and documentation of skills and competences.

The aim of the ERASMUS+ Project European Volunteer Inclusion Program (EuroVIP) is to strengthen the recognition of skills and competences acquired by young adults (17-30 years old) during volunteering activities and to promote them as valuable for their entrance into the labour market.

The first step was to create the ProfilPASS, a portfolio for self-evaluation focused especially on non-formal and informal learning. This ProfilPASS will be adapted to the national needs and requirements of each partner country. In a second phase, this “Portfolio for Volunteering experiences – Based on the ProfilPASS” will be implemented in Romania, Germany, the UK and France. Young jobseekers will get the opportunity to self-evaluate and independently reflect their abilities and possible pathways towards employment.

The EuroVIP project aims to encourage the collaboration between companies or organisations and volunteers. Hence, this collaboration will strengthen the occupational integration of volunteers on the labour market.

EuroVIP’s objectives are:

  1. To encourage the occupational integration and the employability of youth by the recognition of their skills and knowledge acquired during their voluntary missions.
  2. To strengthen the capacities of the organisations working with volunteers.
  3. To promote to the private sector the voluntary missions and the skills and knowledge acquired by the young volunteers during their missions.
  4. To create working synergies in the promotion of voluntary missions in Europe and the recognition of competences acquired by the young volunteers at the European Union level.

For the short term, EuroVIP aims at supporting 180 young volunteers from France, Germany, Romania and the UK in the definition of their professional pathway, and the certification of their skills and knowledge. Each of the young jobseekers will benefit from personalised support thanks to the Portfolio for Volunteering experiences.

For the long term, the project aspires to engage all the associative European structures working with volunteers in the implementation of the Portfolio as a tool to recognise and certify skills and knowledge. It also intends to raise awareness of this tool among companies by including the Portfolio in the recruitment process.

30 companies were approached and informed about the importance of voluntary missions. Through the implementation period, the companies were introduced to the Portfolio. Companies that want to be active after the training sessions, can provide opportunities for young jobseekers to support them during the definition process of their professional path and the certification of their competences with the Portfolio for volunteering experiences.


EuroVIP – European Volunteer Integration Program

Funding programme: Erasmus+ KA2
Project number: 2015-3-FR02-KA205-010722
Thematic area: Kompetenzen
Project period: 2016 – 2018
Project website:
Twitter: #Eurovip_eu


  • FACE, France
  • VOLUM, Romania
  • Volunteering Matters, UK
  • Pour La Solidarité, Belgium